Info Beasiswa/Scholarship 2015
Bagi anda para mahasiswa semester akhir maupun alumni yang nantinya ingin melanjutkan studi, berikut ini kami bagikan info tentang beasiswa untuk studi ke jenjang berikutnya.
1. Australia Award Scholarship (
2. LPDP Scholarship (
3. DIKTI Scholarship
a. Dalam Negeri (
b. Luar Negeri (
4. Turkey Government Scholarship (
5. General Cultural Scholarship India (
6. USA Government Scholarship
a. (
b. (
7. Netherland Government Scholarship (
8. Korean Government Scholarship (
9. Belgium Government Scholarship (
10. Israel Government Scholarship (
11. Sciences Po France (
12. Utrecht University Netherland (
13. Prasetya Mulya Business School Indonesia (
14. Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship (
15. Monbugakusho Scholarship Japan (
16. Paramadina University Master Fellowship Indonesia (
17. PPM School of Management Indonesia (
18. University of Twente Netherland (
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